Want to help start a Denial of Service Attack against the EMIS Dalai Lama?

Pandora? Yes you should.

Pandora IS Web 2.0. Actually, it's everything that is good about Web 2.0. Actually it's everything that is good with the world. Effusive enough?

If you haven't tried Pandora yet, you are missing out on perhaps the greatest thing to happen to music since Flock of Seagulls.

Yes. It's that good.

Anyway you don't take my word on it, the tea leaves, they're everywhere:

Best Stuff

Also, Alan Graham summarizes my feelings:

The big mistake I made with Pandora in the past was thinking of it as a “radio station,” when in reality it is a music discovery solution. It makes traditional radio look like a pile of poo. I’ve discovered dozens of new artists and bands that I might never have known existed if it weren’t for Pandora.

Pile of poo indeed.

I've gone ahead and created a Pandora box in the right sidebar so you can take it for a test drive if you'd like.


Queen Victoria said...

EMIS Guru....you're the absolute BEST!!!

You and Pandora have saved my life from the boring hum-drum of the day...and increased my work productivity by 37%! What EVER was I doing before?!!?

The government and I are eternally grateful! :)

Roy's Blog said...

Guru, I've used it and it drives well. Roy